How To Kickstart Your Sales

Kobo Writing Life

By David Gaughran

indie-power-pack-revised David Gaughran’s title Let’s Get Digital is included in this incredible bundle of eBooks for indie authors.

The sales of every book decay with time, but the great thing about self-publishing is that a book won’t get yanked from the shelves if its numbers drop, and it won’t be forgotten about by the publisher. It has an infinite number of lives because its fate is being controlled by the person who cares about it most in the world: you.

All self-publishers experience a dip in sales and it’s often really tricky to get things going in the first place. Sometimes you launch your book and get a quick burst from those who know you, and then sales just die. I know what it’s like. We’ve all been there.

Most self-publishers start from zero as a complete unknown, like I did, so don’t panic. Building an audience is…

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